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Generation 3 cathode (no US production):
We also offer devices with "real" Generation 3 image intensifiers. Unlike normal Photonis or GUS picture tubes, these have a GaAs photocathode, which is particularly sensitive to light. Due to the technical structure, the performance values ​​of the photocathode cannot be compared directly with those of a photonic tube. So 700µA/lm from Photonis are comparable with approx. 1800µA/lm with Gen.3. Incidentally, Generation 3 picture tubes have been manufactured for over 30 years and are not a new invention. And there are also huge performance differences with Generation 3 tubes. Of course, tubes of older design are not comparable with the modern Gen. 3 tubes. Due to the strong development work by Photonis, one has to say today that modern generation 2 tubes can keep up well with generation 3. Which tube generation the customer chooses is of course ultimately up to him.
